19 February 2010

Brilliant Caregiver

Caregiving part-time, caregiving full-time, caregiving for a friend, family member or spouse all while life goes on at full speed can be rewarding as well as stressful. All of us will likely face some amount of eldercare there are so many more ways that caregiving might show up in your life.

Caregiving is most often about recovery. Yet there is no caregiver training. Caregiver skills are usually acquired on the job. Caregiver job descriptions vary widely. You are a caregiver if you are caring for someone during their recovery from almost anything... To be a "Brilliant Caregiver" is to be courageous, creative, competent, clever and, ideally, coping gracefully with the caregiving challenge. It is possible! I've done a lot of it. Check out WWW.BRILLIANTCAREGIVER.ORG for more information.

Things you can do to help:
1. Childcare
2. Go clean the kitchen, bathroom or whole house.
3. Pet care
4. Come by and do the yard work or wash the car.
5. Offer to pick up groceries.
6. Plant care
7. Find a favorite author & read a book out loud.8. Get a mp3 player, load with favorite listening,

There is so much more you can give besides flowers, consider.....
1. Unscented non-allergenic laundry products.
2. Sound machine with nature sounds
4. A digital timer with 2 settings for keeping track of meds
5. 1-2 suction cup grab bars
6. Night lights
7. File box or accordian file for organizing the current situation
8. Small address box specifically for this crisis
9. Good toenail clippers
10. Plastic wrap(casts)
11. Extra pillows
12. Groceries
13. Case of Boost or Ensure
14. Hand held shower and wall mounting bracket
15. Bed risers
Check out WWW.BRILLIANTCAREGIVER.ORG for more helpful solutions.

Real Wealth Initiative Group

You know the definition of "insanity" right? It is to keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Yet, that is what most people are doing with their money. Really, if you already knew how to be wealthy you would be, wouldn't you? I believe FINANCIAL LITERACY is key. Anyone can change how they handle their money and learn to grow it but to do so you need to take some initiative about your own financial education. One way to do this is to participate online at Real Wealth Initiative's FaceBook Page. Come to our events. Use the CashFlow game to help you identify your own behaviors with money AND learn some skills for doing things differently in your life.

Here you can bring your questions and your information; network, meet others who are investing in themselves and their financial future! Play the CashFlow Game and gain insight & wisdom into your own handling of money. Come to network, share your education & insights, and to discuss all varietying of wealth building vehicles and passive income streams... real estate, the web, ebay, investments like silver & gold, MLMs and anything else about getting FINANCIALLY FREE!

See our companion website at the Real Wealth Initiative

The Real Wealth Initiative

The Real Wealth Initiative is about becoming Financially Free. We believe financial freedom is a matter of financial education coupled with getting into action despite being out of our comfort zone.... which means that anyone who puts their mind to it can do it. We have a website: http://www.realwealthinitiative.com/ help promote and support the basics.

We also have a FaceBook group: Real Wealth Initiative Group for networking and connecting on events, webinars, and more.... playing the Cash Flow game together is one of many ways we reinforce all of our learning. Financial education is continuous and classes are posted here regularly. It is great to be surrounded by like-minded people sharing knowledge, growing businesses & personal wealth all while seeing our dreams come true.

Tax Strategy E-Course

I met Tom Wheelwright at Rich Dad’s Education Annual Forum in February. He is like THE tax guru to Robert Kiyosaki. Managing the Real Wealth Initiative means I am always looking for more financial education where ever can find it. He spoke on the 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Tax Savings. He is now offering a Tax E-Course. Even better, there is no cost to you when you sign up using the links provided in this email.

His Tax E-Course – Simple and Proven Ways to Cut Your Tax Bill – shares more of his secrets, tricks and tips that:

· Can save you thousands by avoiding costly mistakes on your tax return

· Leave more of your hard earned money in your pocket by turning your non-deductible expenses into legal tax deductions

· Help you keep more of your cash with you by avoiding additional tax assessments, penalties and interest

· Show you exactly how to calculate how much you can cut your tax bill

Ready to find out how much more cash you can have by cutting your tax bill?Enroll now! There is no out-of pocket cost to you and you could find thousands in tax savings waiting for you! Check out his Tax E-Course now.